Revit Lighting Families

  • Revit Lighting Families
Lighting families are always a bit tricky in Revit. Recently we've been working on a few for a client which will soon be released out into the wild.

Below is a screenshot of one that is just being tested. It allows Revit users to easily adjust the materials, light settings & the fittings pivot angle.

you will see that it is very detailed, however we have paid special attention to model it in the efficient (low poly count) way possible. This helps keep the Revit model flowing properly, especially if you were putting say 50 of these families into a building!

For anyone looking for Revit light families right now, check out as there are free generic & manufacturers specific ones available.

This blog post is related to the following tags BIM content development, BIM lights, custom revit families, revit families, revit family development, revit family downloads, revit lights, revit manufacturers content.

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