Following - Brands

Jonathan Browning Studios Modlar Brand

Founded in 2003 by Jonathan Browning and Marco Heithaus, Jonathan Browning Studios designs and manufactures some o...

Sheridan Table Lamp Roussel Outdoor Sconce Beauvoir Torchiere Glacon Square Table Lamp Loire Outdoor Sconce
&tradition Modlar Brand

Craft meets art. Function meets form. Material meets potential. This is our Nordic tradition and heritage. &tradit...

Mega Bulb SR2 Sofie Refer 2006
Miele USA Modlar Brand

Since the company was founded in 1899, Miele has remained true to its 'Immer Besser' brand promise. This means tha...

The Urban Electric Co. Modlar Brand

Originality is at the heart of everything we do - but we feel it especially important in terms of product design...

Middleton Floor Lamp Diamond Hanging Lamp Suffolk Hanging Lamp Lauren Hanging Lamp Hulsey Hanging Lamp