Following - Brands

Country Wood Flooring Modlar Brand

For over a decade, flooring is our only business. Country Wood Flooring (CWF) is a wildly recognized importer and w...

Resene Paints NZ Modlar Brand

The company, established in 1946, is today an international company with manufacturing operations in Australia and...

nulook Modlar Brand

Nulook Windows & Doors In both the residential & commercial markets Nulook enjoys the reputation of being a market...

Awning & Casement Windows SovereignSeries Hinged Door (Open-Out) SovereignSeries Hinged Door (Open-In) SovereignSeries Stacker Sliding Door SovereignSeries Sliding Door SovereignSeries
Integrity from Marvin Windows and Doors Modlar Brand

Integrity windows and doors are made with Ultrex pultruded fiberglass, a material patented nearly 20 years ago when...
