Air Vent Inc.

Air Vent, a Gibraltar Industries company, manufactures a full line of attic ventilation products, including durable, high-performance ridge vent systems. Over the years, we've invested heavily in independent research studies to further our understanding and enhance our design of high efficiency attic ventilation systems.
Dallas, TX, USA
Shinglevent II Ridge Vent

ShingleVent II ridge vent installs on t...

Multi-Pitch Filtervent

Multi-Pitch FilterVent ridge vent insta...

Peak Performer Rolled Ridge Vents

This low-profile, shingle-over vent ins...

Roof-Mount Power Attic Vents

Electric-powered attic vents use a ther...

Gable-Mount Power Attic Vents

It's electric powered and uses a thermo...

Wind Turbines

A non-electric alternative to ventilati...

Continuous Soffit Vents

For intake venting, made in plastic or ...
