A motivated Architect/ Space researcher. Known for his research on the Lunar Architecture, with his proposal for Fractal Expandable Lunar Base. He has established laws of science for Architecture on the surface of the Moon, which is among the first initiatives of its kind in the world. A manual he named "Lunar Dimensions" zero edition, Lunar Architects Manual. He is continuing his effort in this field where he is working on getting a Master in Space Architecture, he also established the website www.LunarArchitects.com which is a portal for all students and professionals who are interested in this field.
He has held many presentations and seminars demonstrating his research; such as:
1. TEDxUniversityofSharjah, Lunar Architecture: Reach for the Moon, Literally.
2. Speaker at the Annual Arab Space conference 11th round: Architecture on the Lunar Surface.
3. TV Interview with MBC TV Chanel, Sabah Al Kheir Ya Arab: Architecture on the Moon Surface.
There are many articles wrote on his work on various media mediums, such as:
1. Urbanist website: Out of this world: 13 Extraterrestrial Architecture Concepts - Fractal Lunar Architecture.
2. University of Sharjah News website: UOS Student Establishes Laws of Science for Architecture on the Moon.
3. Al Khaleej Newspaper: Students in University of Sharjah issue first manual for "Architecture on the Moon".