For applications demanding motorized window shades that operate in virtual silence Insolroll® Quiet Motors (IQM) incorporate the latest in noise reduction technology.
Insolroll Quiet Motors meet the industry standard for noise reduction
Insolroll's standard motors operate at 52 decibels and are acceptable in many applications. IQM Motors operate at approximately 44 dB from a distance of 3 feet away. This represents a 50% reduction in the noise produced by a standard motor. In addition the distinctive click heard when a standard motor starts up is also eliminated.
Applications for Quiet Roller Shade Motors
Quiet motors are ideal for rooms where motor noise could be a problem. Bedrooms and rooms with a lot of motors are ideal applications for the noise reduction technology built into the motor and the shade hardware.
Insolroll® Quiet Motors are available in both 110 volt AC and 24 volt DC versions.The prewire requirements, control options, home automation interfacing options and switching options used for standard motors remain the same. IQM motor has been incorporated into Insolroll® Interior Solar Screen Shade Motorization Systems.
Insolroll Window Shading Systems manufactures custom interior solar screen shades, audio-visual blackout shades, decorative roller shades, exterior patio shades, and retractable insect screens. Insolroll is the manufacturing division of Innovative Openings, Inc. We started our business in 1980 with a focus on motorization and high performance shading systems, and that focus remains today.
The Insolroll facility incorporates state-of-the-art roller shade manufacturing equipment, staff with decades of industry experience and a focus on quality products and exceptional customer service. Every shade is checked and tested before shipping to insure product quality.
Visitors to Insolroll are immediately impressed by the cleanliness and organization of the 42,000 square foot facility. "We have invested in the latest technology for cutting, welding and handling technical fabrics" says co-owner Rick Pease.
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