BIM Files Questions

BIM/CAD Software

Can I open a BIM file in Cin

Laura • 2015

Hi, I'm wondering if I can open BIM files in Cinema 4D. I already tried and it doesn't seem to work. Are they only compatible with Autodesk programs or can I work around this problem some way?Thanks.

Kero, Architect

The following file formats can support Cinema 4D; DXF, DWG, 3DS, DAE, FBX, DEM, LWS, STL, VRML2, OBJ, COLLADA, Alembic. You can export files to these formats and import into Cinema 4D. Thanks.

DWG into Revit? Do or don't?

PhDs • 2013

I'm wanting to import DWG files to Revit, I hear it's not the best practice according to some people. What do you think?

Revit prefers native Revit objects. It's best practice to avoid importing from AutoCAD if at all possible. If it's something like an MEP RCP, use link CAD (and consider Current View Only as well) instead of import CAD. If it's a family, you can temporarily import it to Revit to use as reference, but purge it out before loading your family int... 5 More Answers
